Friday, August 26, 2011

Summer 2011: An Overview

The summer is pretty much over now and so I saw it fit to compile a list of the best movies I saw in theaters throughout this summer starting in late May until late August (#1 being the best and so on). Your thoughts! Enjoy!

1. Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows Part 2
2. Super 8
3. Larry Crowne
4. Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
5. The Hangover Part 2
6. Cowboys and Aliens
7. Source Code
8. Friends With Benefits
9. Rise of The Planet of the Apes
10.Horrible Bosses
11. Fright Night
12. Captain America
13. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
14. Bad Teacher

That's a Wrap! Thanks for reading and as always I'll keep you posted!

Note: This list is going to be based on what I liked the most and least; not what other critics said or the general population and does not go by how I originally graded them.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Vampire Movie #1000

Fright Night: This was the first time I ever spent money on a ticket to see a "vampire flick". To my surprise it was not a complete disappointment. Starring Anton Yelchin (Alpha Dog) and Colin Farrell as two neighbors that lock horns when Yelchin is suspicious of Farrell's strange manner. Christopher Mintz-Plasse (Superbad) and Toni Collette were pretty entertaining as a worried best friend and free-loving single mother too. While this movie did have it's share of scary and gory parts, it was 'creepily funny' as well with a few one-liners and some british humor thrown in by David Tennant (Harry Potter 4). Fright Night sure does have its ups and downs but is worth a watch. Don't expect Bella or Edward to be making a cameo appearance. Grade: C+

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Planet of the...Apes?

Rise of the Planet of the Apes: This was a movie that I let the commercials for it really get to me. After first seeing one before a movie a coupe months ago I was not impressed at all so as you can imagine my hopes were not high walking into the theater tonight. James Franco is a scientist finding the cure for Alzheimer's while doing periodic tests on different chimpanzees. One chimp is different (smarter) from the others being raised by Franco himself and becoming more of a human than an animal. There's the plot and the movie just takes off from there. The supporting cast was headed up by John Lithgow and Tom Felton ( aka Draco Malfoy). Throughout the movie I took note of how modern this movie is for being a prequel of a franchise that was started 40 years ago. The whole movie-making technique of "taking a concept that cannot happen, making it seem plausible, then convincing the audience that it could happen" could have been executed better by this production team and I felt some of the special effect of making the primates were too human-like. But nevertheless the ending did come in strong and was not what I, or anyone else possibly, was expecting. Grade: C

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The First Avenger

Captain America: Here we have Spider-man on steroids. Literally. This is simply of turning the common man into super-man. Starring Chris Evans as Steven Rogers, our hero, and Tommy Lee Jones as Rogers' hard-nosed commanding officer during WWII. Going into this movie I was never much of an Avengers fan but it was cool how they incorporated Tony Stark's (Ironman) father as a weapons designer and big helper to Captain America himself. Since I grew up as a DC Comics reader I do not know how accurate the movie was to the original comic book but it was entertaining for the most part and could have used a better ending but I guess that's why he's only the FIRST Avenger. Grade: C+