Sunday, February 26, 2012

Oscar Night

The 2012 Academy Awards

Finally the biggest night in showbiz has arrived; the Oscars! It's been a tradition of mine to fill out an Oscar nominee ballot for fun and then just watch the show and see how I did so I wanted to share with you some of my picks this year. I'm taking a similar approach as Peter Travers from Rolling Stone Magazine with this by giving you my choices of the well-known categories and then touching up on some elements that would have made good nominees but were overlooked. Hope you like it and remember the show starts at 8pm on ABC!

Best Picture
Should win: "Moneyball"
Will win: "The Artist"

Best Actor
Should win: Brad Pitt in "Moneyball"
Will win: Gary Oldman in "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"

Best Actress
Should win: Michelle Williams in "My Week With Marilyn"
Will win: Meryl Streep in "The Iron Lady"

Best Supporting Actor
Should win: Jonah Hill in "Moneyball"
Will win: Christopher Plummer in "Beginners"

Best Supporting Actress
Should win: Jessica Chastain in "The Help"
Will win: Berenice Bejo in "The Artist"

Best Directing
Should win: "Hugo"
Will win: "The Artist"

   There you have it. Those are my picks for the winners followed by what have the best chances of beating them.

   When it comes to being snubbed for these awards, bigger disappointments come about every year but this year I had a few bones to pick with the Academy myself. Probably my biggest problem is the absences of Leonardo DiCaprio for Best Actor in "J. Edgar" and Ryan Gosling in "Drive" or even for his role of Best Supporting Actor in "The Ides of March". It was also disappointing to see neither Clint Eastwood (J. Edgar) or Steven Spielberg (War Horse) nominated in Best Directing.

    Switching gears for a second, there are a few nominees that I believe have a good chance at upsetting both my pick and the probably winner: Rooney Mara in "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" for Best Actress, Kenneth Branagh in "My Week With Marilyn" for Best Supporting Actor, and George Clooney in "The Descendants" for Best Actor.

Well there you go, fill out your own ballot, compare it to mine if you'd like, Put on your tuxedo or dress for the classiest night in Hollywood!