Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Wolf of Wall Street

There's Never Too Much of A Good Thing

            Jordan Belfort is a douche bag, and you're going to love every minute of him. Wall Street never forgives and only accepts those willing enough to do whatever they possibly can to make money. Getting rich and doing so as soon as humanly possible is the only thing these drones that can be seen walking in and out of broker firms are programmed to do. What sets Mr. Belfort apart is that he has raised it to an art form. He has the drugs, the sex, the power, the profanity, and, most of all, the drive that attracts in everyone in his path. Leonardo DiCaprio teams up once again with director Martin Scorsese in his latest masterpiece and delivers what could possibly be the performance of his career.

          These past few months have given the world an unusual amount of quality movies and The Wolf of Wall Street has just been added to this list. Based off the book The Wolf of Wall Street written by none other than Jordan Belfort himself, there are never-ending turns taken as he makes his way up to the top of the stock broker tier. The drugs and cursing flow like milk and honey which reflects the incomparably lavish lifestyle Belfort and his associates partake. The trailers for this film give a decent representation of what it's all about but, as an avid moviegoer, even I was surprised at the heights Scorsese climbs to give the audience a thorough exposure into Belfort's affairs.

            It is not lightly said that there is vulgarity in this movie, in all shapes, sizes, and awesomeness. Apparently brokers make sailors look like charming princes when it comes to dialogue and they also buy drugs like they buy stocks--ferociously. Belfort was greatly involved in popping pills called "ludes"in the late-80s and Leonardo DiCaprio's intense portrayal of being under the influence even passes on the experience to the viewer. Note: a specific scene where he attempts walking to his car while on an unexpected amount of ludes is an example of acting of the highest caliber.

           With a name like "Leonardo DiCaprio" heads will turn regardless just because it sounds cool. But when his diverse range of acting is paired with a figure that even "out-Gatsbys" Jay Gatsby, not only will heads turn but they will be locked in. DiCaprio is in RARE FORM here and so is Jonah Hill (Superbad). Hill plays Donny Azoff, Belfort's right-hand man and number one confidant. Both of these gentleman have an onscreen chemistry that comes with a level of talent perfect for a movie as extravagant, provocative, corrupt, in-your-face, and down right ridiculous as this one.

            DiCaprio might have secured my pick for the Best Actor Oscar this year and would also give him an honor long overdue. Martin Scorsese has established this sex-crazed maniac of a businessman's rise and demise as screen-worthy material and outdoes even his own wildest dreams. Grade: 8.9/10 

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